Welcoming Our New Staff Members and Their Ideas for Accessible Summer Fun 

We are thrilled to introduce two new staff members, Dominique Newton and Krystal Perkins. They bring a collective wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas to FACT and are here to share their tips on creating a fun-filled summer for everyone. In this blog post, we will delve into their perspectives and suggestions for making the most of the summer months. Let's dive in! 

Dominique Newton, Program Specialist: Unleashing Creativity with Water Painting 

“Water has always seemed to be a fun sensory activity, so setting up a water painting station outside when it gets hot is a great idea. Paint the sidewalk with water, sponges, and paintbrushes, watch it dry and do it again. Adding chalk dust can help bring those paintings some color.” 

Krystal Perkins, Communications Associate: Enhancing Summer Fun with Accessibility in Mind

“Our family eagerly looks forward to summer because it means we get to enjoy all the fun activities, relaxation and extra time for indulging in passion projects. Over the years we’ve figured out some strategies to ensure everyone has a great time. By sticking to our daily routines like reading, doing chores, and activities of daily living we create a sense of familiarity and make each day more predictable. To keep everyone in the loop, we display a big magnetic calendar on our trusty fridge where we jot down any camps, activities and appointments. That way, anyone can easily check it whenever they need to. We try not to jam-pack our schedule with too many things in one day. But on those crazy, busy days, we make sure to set aside some dedicated time to rest and recharge at home so we can keep a healthy balance. And when we're out and about, we always bring a well-stocked "boredom buster bag" filled with sensory activities, coloring books, and magnetic games. It's a real lifesaver for keeping our minds busy and finding some peace when things get overwhelming.” 

As we welcome Dominique and Krystal to our team, here at FACT we are committed to expanding our efforts and offerings to ensure that everyone can enjoy a fun-filled summer. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops, initiatives and more, and don’t forget to follow us on social media. Together let’s make this a summer to remember!  


Healthier Together Oregon


Finding the Pieces (Part 2). Meet the Staff: Whitnie Trost